

Wicken Methodist Church, 30 North Street, Wicken, CB7 5XW
The Methodist Church is at the western end of the village,
on the main road through the village (A1123).

You’ll find a warm welcome in our small, rural Methodist Church on the edge of the fens, whatever the weather. We may be small in numbers, but we offer lots of activities for children of all ages, whilst the grown-ups can enjoy our traditional Methodist worship format, always with a contemporary message. There is coffee after the service  and sometimes a shared lunch for those able to stay for a chat. Our service is at 10am on Sundays, and we’d love to see you. (If we’re not in, check the notice board...you’ll probably find us at the Church where we go alternate months to share worship.)
We have plenty of celebrations to join in throughout the year, including our Harvest Supper, Summer Teas, Christmas Carol band concert, Easter Breakfast and much more.  We have a strong fellowship with the Parish Church that includes weekly study and fellowship groups, monthly healing service, meals together, outings and love and support for each other;  and we enjoy being part of our village and participating in its community activities. Come along and find out more!

The Minister is Rev. Laura Martin

Tel: 07729650605   E-mail: Rev. Laura Martin